Talks – Exciting topics, said out loud

We are convinced: »If you share, you receive something in return«Correspondingly, we want to share our knowledge and experience on the one hand and, on the other hand, learn from others so that we can make it possible to develop further together.
A dialogue at eye level is always important to me.


  • Dialogue means encounter – with respect and appreciation for different perspectives. We have held talks on diverse topics at conferences and meet-ups across Germany over the past years. And, at the same time, we have got to know all kinds of people.
  • Dialogue means participation & community. Conferences are ideal platforms for sharing knowledge and experience. We experience fantastic openness, particularly in the agile context – even regarding mistakes and failures.
  • Dialogue means progress. As speakers, we not only share valuable tools and expertise, we also learn a lot from our audience every time. Every method, every company and every project has multiple facets. This means that the views of applied agility are as multifaceted as are the people behind them.

Are you planning a company event? You can also book us for a presentation.

Topics we have already talked about:

Presentations (selection)


  • Mehr Bewerberinnen durch inklusive Recruiting? Eine empirische Untersuchung der Wirkung gendersensitiver Stellenanzeigen auf die Female Talent Pipe Line, Fachtagung Gesellschaft für angewandte Wirtschaftspsychologie, 2020
  • Lernende Organisation – Wie sich Retrospektiven aus der agilen Softwareentwicklung auf die Unternehmenskultur auswirken, Fachtagung Gesellschaft für angewandte Wirtschaftspsychologie, 2016
  • The effect of two-sided advertising depends on how grave the second side is, International Journal of Psychology, 2008

Other community commitments of Kristina

  • Initiator, organize & moderator: 20×20 Agile Night Berlin, since 2014
  • Member of the event management team: Berlin Days of Software Engineering, since 2014
  • Coaches Clinic Global, Scrum Gathering 2013