A foundation for professional HR

The concept »Agile HR« is currently fashionable

But what does it actually mean?
In our opinion, there are 3 different levels here:

1. HR itself works agile

Agility is not a method that applies exclusively to IT/software development. The mindset, values and practices are also valuable and potentially groundbreaking for non-technical departments and HR. The role model function of HR is essential for a modern and future-oriented company. Unfortunately, often HR carries an opposing image.

2. »HR as a service«

An agile HR creates tailor-made services that support and promote agile ways of working. Annual performance reviews and performance management are outdated.

An agile HR is just as customer-oriented as all other departments in an agile company. They work iteratively, develop prototypes and collect early feedback in order to learn. Lately, we’ve noted two aspects more frequently in this respect: Recruiting and management training.

The “cultural fit” and an agile mindset are far more important than hard skills, particularly in recruiting. Unfortunately, recruiting usually takes place the other way around. In the meantime, expectations for agile management have increased sharply in management training. Actually transferring these into the expertise of individual managers and transitioning them into an improved management culture is often a decisive step that has been neglected for far too long.

3. HR as a driver for agile organization development and transformation

Changes happen. We regard targeted organization development as part of HR tasks. An agile HR drives agile transformation hand-in-hand with other multiplicators in the company, and thereby helps to adapt cross-company processes so that they are useful for an agile company.

In our opinion, HR is significantly responsible for the management and organization culture in a company. It is one of the main multiplying factors during an agile transition.


Our specific offers for you

 Agile coaching
 Reviews & workshops
 Development of HR tools and concepts

 Training of internal organization developers
 Conception of network events for recruiting potential lateral entrants with an agile mindset

 Job interviews for agile managers
 Development center
